Donate to help children, communities and families in the Kikwit region and beyond to live better lives now and in the future.

In a world of challenges, Help Diocese of Kikwit sees the possibility for transformative change. We are expanding our work to various communities, empowering people to survive crises, allowing ministers to reach out to people, and assisting families to build decent houses to live better lives and transform their communities for good.

One Time Gift

$100 To Education

[wp_paypal button=”donate” name=”$100 Education” amount=”100.00″]

$200 To Health

[wp_paypal button=”donate” name=”$200 Health” amount=”200.00″]

$500 To Housing

[wp_paypal button=”donate” name=”$500 Housing” amount=”500.00″]

Your Best Gift

[wp_paypal button=”donate” name=”Your Best Gift”]



Times 12 Subscription

$19 Monthly

[wp_paypal button=”subscribe” name=”$19 Monthly” a3=”19.00″ p3=”1″ t3=”M” src=”1″]

$30 Monthly

[wp_paypal button=”subscribe” name=”$30 Monthly” a3=”30.00″ p3=”1″ t3=”M” src=”1″]

$50 Monthly

[wp_paypal button=”subscribe” name=”$50 Monthly” a3=”50.00″ p3=”1″ t3=”M” src=”1″]

$100 Monthly

[wp_paypal button=”subscribe” name=”$100 Monthly” a3=”100.00″ p3=”1″ t3=”M” src=”1″]

Fundraise for us.

Bring together your family, friends, neighbors and co-workers to make a difference with an online campaign or community event.

Matching Gifts.

Double your impact by asking your employer to match your gift.

Gifts of stock.

Share your shares, meet your charitable goals and maximise your tax savings.

Donor-advised fund.

Using your donor-advised fund to support Help Kikwit is an excellent way to simplify your charitable giving and meet your philanthropic goals.

Planned giving.

Leave a legacy through estate planning, bequests and gift annuities.